22 Dezember 2018
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 12366

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From 1 January 2019 the new Packaging Act, abbreviated in German to VerpackG, shall be in force. What does this mean for importers, distributors, entrepreneurs and e-commerce market in Germany?

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22 Oktober 2018
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 9021
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Ostatnie miesiące były bardzo napięte i emocjonujące. Przede wszystkim wdrażam kilka istotnych zmian i ulepszeń na swojej stronie firmowej, dzięki czemu dostęp do oferowanych przeze mnie portugalskich win stanie się jeszcze wygodniejszy, a asortyment większy i jednocześnie bardziej dystyngowany. 

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30 Juli 2018
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 6296

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Życie przynosi wiele niespodzianek. Jedną z nich jest Amanda, która urodziła się w marcu. Bardzo ją kochamy!

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03 Juli 2018
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 6929

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Portugal ist derzeit die viertgrößte Weinbaunation der Welt und ist längst nicht mehr nur für Portweine und Madeira bekannt. Durch die hervorragende Qualität der Weine aus den verschiedenen Anbaugebieten ist portugiesischer Wein mittlerweile ein echter Geheimtipp unter Weinkennern geworden.

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07 Mai 2018
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 8735

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In today's article, I want to share my opinion about the question: Does one outstanding wine really cost that much?

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03 April 2018
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 5740

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Der Mundis Vini Wettbewerb für Weine wurde vor 15 Jahren vom Meininger Verlag gegründet und ist in dieser Zeit zu einem der wichtigsten und prestigeträchtigsten Preisverleihungen der Weinbranche herangewachsen: Bei jährlich zwei verschiedenen Tastings werden zahlreiche Weine aus unterschiedlichen Gegenden der Welt verkostet, wobei nur die besten eine Auszeichnung erhalten.

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29 Januar 2018
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 5796

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The January is a good time to conclude the past years. According to the rating of the "Wine Enthusiast Magazine" analysed 132 Portuguese wines which were tested and duly recognised in 2016-2017. Find out more here.

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01 Dezember 2017
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 6044

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Hey there,

today I want to share with you a good news of the Portuguese wines from Austria. At AWC Vienna 2017 (the largest officially recognized wine competition in the world) were presented the dozens of Portuguese wines. The medals and the awards were handed during the special wine gala night at the City Hall of Vienna on October 29, 2017.

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20 November 2017
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 5870

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Dear friends and customers!

A couple of weeks ago I announced the grand opening of my modernized site www.portugalwines.eu. I hope thanks to useful information of mine, you will fall in love with my outstanding Portuguese wines.

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13 Oktober 2017
Category: Blog & events
Zugriffe: 8264

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It's a real pleasure to inform you that my site has just been improved and modernized. I hope that what I offer you and what I will write about from time-to-time will be helpful and enhance your knowledge of Portuguese wines. I want to share my passion for Portugal and its wines with you. For this reason, I will describe the wines and Portuguese grape varieties. I will show you how to pair it with food (i.e. wine pairing). I will share news from the Portuguese wine industry, introduce all my business partners from Portugal, including their wineries, and inform you of interesting events. All of this will help you to choose and enjoy my Portuguese wines, which are best when shared with family and friends in the celebration of life. I'm confident that these extraordinary wines from remarkable wineries will exceed your expectations!

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