Breaking news: Are you ready to meet LUCID? What importers/distributors of packaging materials and (online) retailers in/to Germany must know for certain

Category: Blog & events
on 22 December 2018
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From 1 January 2019 the new Packaging Act, abbreviated in German to VerpackG, shall be in force. What does this mean for importers, distributors, entrepreneurs and e-commerce market in Germany? resizeimage

Since that date, it will be possible to see for the first time by means of a public register which manufacturers, retailers and/or distributors of packaging materials are fulfilling their product responsibility. The Packaging Register with the name “LUCID” shows who have registered with which brands and are thereby fulfilling their financial responsibility for the collection and recycling of their packaging materials. Transparency is, therefore, being created in this market.

The Packaging Act affects all companies to ensure the collection and recycling of the packaging materials from their commercially sold products if these typically accumulate as waste for a private household or equivalent sources of waste generation to these (abbreviated to private end consumer). In other words, it applies to all manufacturers and/or retailers who “are the first” to sell a packaged product – regardless of whether large or small – to the customer directly at the counter in a walk-in retail business or online to the end customer.

Acting in accordance with the sense of being responsible for the natural environment around us and taking into account specific German restrictions, I would like to inform you that my business, as well as online trading, is in full compliance with the Packaging Act (VerpackG), which will become effective in Germany from January 1st, 2019. I am registered in the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister, which is the official register of packaging. It means I pay for all expenses related to recycling of glass bottles and cardboard boxes that reach to my final customers within Germany. The Act obliges not only to register, but also to declare the type and weight of packaging, which the company will introduce to the German market during the year. Anyone who does not behave in compliance with the law and thereby does not fulfil their obligations will, from 2019 onwards, be taking a greater risk of being discovered. Then, who does not register, there will be an automatic distribution ban on all packaging materials and fines of up to €200,000 per case. Owing to the public nature of the register, manufacturers and/or retailers acting not in compliance with the law must expect those reselling their goods to stop using them as a supplier. Moreover, if manufacturers and retailers do not fulfil their obligations, the Central Agency Packaging Register will pass these facts in the transparent form on to the enforcement authorities of the federal states. 

I am registered in the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister, which is the official register of packaging. It means I pay for all expenses related to recycling of glass bottles and cardboard boxes that reach to my final customers within Germany Click to Tweet

It should be expected that retailers on the e-commerce market will be thoroughly checked in January 2019 in the context of the VerpackG. The register is public, so everyone will be able to verify if the company operates in accordance with the law. In addition, each company will have to place its specific number from the VerpackG register on its pages.

My registered ID No. in Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister called "LUCID" is DE5056234044616-V. VerpackG confirmation

I hereby confirm my full compliance with German standards regarding the implementation of the Packaging Act from January 1st, 2019. 

I am your reliable and trustworthy business partner. Let's do business together!

Owing to the public nature of the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister LUCID register, manufacturers and/or retailers acting not in compliance with the law must expect those reselling their goods to stop using them as a supplier. Therfore choose me as your reliable and trustworthy business partner! Click to Tweet


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